
Die Antwort auf sexualisierte Gewalt gegen Frauen besteht oft in der Ausweitung strafrechtlicher Maßnahmen gegen Männer. Vergès zeigt auf, wie diese Maßnahmen rassistische, klassistische und sexistische Gewalt fortschreiben. Sie zeichnet ein komplexes Bild patriarchaler Gewalt und ruft auf zu einem Feminismus, der sich dem staatlichen Sicherheitsparadigma widersetzt.

A supernatural thriller, blending African myth, friendship, romance and self-discovery from prize-winning author, Efua Traoré. Sixteen-year-old adopted Tara has questions – about who she is, where she belongs, why she dreams... When her nightmares darken, fears swarm like a flock of ravens and she traces her visions to the ancient Olumo Rock in Nigeria.

Afrika - ein bunter Kontinent voller Kontraste! Mit diesem Buch begeben wir uns auf eine Reise kreuz und quer durch alle Regionen und Länder dieses Erdteils, der zweimal so groß ist wie Europa und von über eine Milliarde Menschen bewohnt wird. Auf unserem Streifzug lernen wir viel Spannendes über Menschen und Kulturen, Geschichte, Natur und Tiere kennen - von der pulsierenden Musikszene Nordafrikas über die "Wiege der Menschheit" im Osten, von Modetrends im Westen bis zu den "Big Five" der Tierwelt im südlichen Afrika.

Magische Abenteuergeschichte für Kinder ab 10 Jahren

While chasing a rogue football, Fatima crosses paths with Bessem and the instant attraction between the two propels them into a life-changing romance. Despite an atmosphere of threat due to the criminalisation of same-sex relationships in their home country of Cameroon, Fatima and Bessem persevere in living out their love.

Convergence Problems is a new short story collection from award-winning, Nebula-nominated Nigerian author Wole Talabi. Containing brand-new stories, rewrites of early work, and a few previously published pieces, Wole Talabi’s new collection, Convergence Problems, consists of sixteen short stories and one previously unseen novella. All of the stories in this collection are set in, or relate to, Africa, and investigate the rapidly changing role of technology in our lives as we search for meaning, for knowledge, for justice; constantly converging to our future selves.

Convergence Problems is a new short story collection from award-winning, Nebula-nominated Nigerian author Wole Talabi. Containing brand-new stories, rewrites of early work, and a few previously published pieces, Wole Talabi’s new collection, Convergence Problems, consists of sixteen short stories and one previously unseen novella. All of the stories in this collection are set in, or relate to, Africa, and investigate the rapidly changing role of technology in our lives as we search for meaning, for knowledge, for justice; constantly converging to our future selves.

Including 2022 Caine Prize winning story "Five Years Next Sunday" by Idza Luhumyo, 2022 Nommo Award shortlisted story "Shelter" by Mzobi Haimbe and 2023 O'Henry Prize for Short Fiction winner "Mother" by Jacob M'hango This genre-spanning anthology explores the many ways that we grow, adapt, and survive in the face of our ever-changing global realities. These evocative, often prescient, stories showcase new and emerging writers from across Africa to investigate many of the pressing issues of our time: climate change, pandemics, social upheaval, surveillance, and more. 

They Called Me Queer is a collection written by Africans who self-identify as lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender, queer, intersex and asexual.  South Africa has become known for its tolerance towards us, the LGBTQIA+ community. However, we live in a devastatingly segregated and unequal society, where sexual identities still heavily impacts every part of our daily lives. This collection of stories is a testimony to who we are. It is an assertion of our struggles, but also our triumphs, our joys.