
eBook - The secrets behind the success of the world's education superpowers

Erschienen am 15.12.2016, Auflage: 1/2016
8,49 €
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Bibliografische Daten
ISBN/EAN: 9781783522750
Sprache: Englisch
Umfang: 320 S., 3.07 MB
Format: EPUB
DRM: Adobe DRM


As a teacher in an inner-city school, Lucy Crehan was exasperated with ever-changing government policy claiming to be based on lessons from top-performing education systems. She resolved to find out what was really going on in the classrooms of countries whose teenagers ranked top in the world in reading, maths and science.

Cleverlands documents Crehans journey around the world, weaving together her experiences with research on policy, history, psychology and culture to offer extensive new insights into what we can learn from these countries.


Lucy Crehan is a qualified teacher, an education explorer and an international education consultant. She taught science and psychology at a secondary school in London for three years before turning her sights to research and policy and gaining a distinction in her masters in Politics, Development and Democratic Education at the University of Cambridge.

Since returning from her groundbreaking trip around the worlds top-performing education systems, she has published a report on teacher career structures for IIEP UNESCO, advised the UK government as part of a working group on teacher workload, and spoken about her work at conferences in the UK, the US and Sweden. She now works as part of a team advising foreign governments on education reform at the Education Development Trust. Lucy lives in Bath with her fiancé Mark.

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