Creative Superpowers

eBook - Equip Yourself for the Age of Creativity

Erschienen am 28.06.2018, Auflage: 1/2018
14,99 €
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E-Book Download
Bibliografische Daten
ISBN/EAN: 9781783525546
Sprache: Englisch
Umfang: 256 S., 0.73 MB
Format: EPUB
DRM: Adobe DRM


Do you remember what it was like to be a child? A time when your imagination would run rife and it was easy to imagine yourself as a superhero? What was your superpower? Flying at the speed of light, X-ray vision, invisibility or the ability to turn your brussels sprouts into ice cream?

InCreative Superpowers, we have assembled some of the worlds creative leaders to bring to life the modern skillset for creative problem-solving. It will help you re-learn key traits often forgotten from childhood, such as adaptability, curiosity, empathy and fearlessness; the superpowers of Hacking, Making, Teaching and Thieving.

The book includes contributions from architects, CEOs, creative directors, culture hackers, educators, fashion designers, marketers, musicians, storytellers and many more. People who will show you how hacking helps you tackle problems in different ways, how making opens up new parts of your brain, how teaching yourself and others consolidates experience in a fast-paced world and how looking to what already exists is a brilliant tool for solving problems.

Expect to come away inspired to use your newly learned creative superpowers to thrive in the Age of Creativity. The cape is optional.


Creative Social (www.creativesocial.com) is a club for brand and creative leaders who believe creativity and innovation will lead to better business and culture. Its purpose is to accelerate creative thinking.

Follow our editors at @herdmeister, @laurajaybee, @scotttheboom and @yellif.


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