Mask Off

eBook - Masculinity Redefined, Outspoken by Pluto

Erschienen am 20.09.2019, Auflage: 1/2019
144,95 €
(inkl. MwSt.)


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Bibliografische Daten
ISBN/EAN: 9781786805027
Sprache: Englisch
Umfang: 128 S.
Format: PDF
DRM: Adobe DRM


What is masculinity? Dominating the world around us, with deadly gun violence, male suicide rates and incels on Reddit, masculinity is perceived to be 'toxic', 'fragile' and 'in crisis'.

InMask Off, JJ Bola exposes masculinity as a performance that men are socially conditioned into. Using examples of non-Western cultural traditions, music and sport, he shines light on historical narratives around manhood, debunking popular myths along the way. He explores how LGBTQ men, men of colour, and male refugees experience masculinity in diverse ways, revealing its fluidity, how it's strengthened and weakened by different political contexts, such as the patriarchy or the far-right, and perceived differently by those around them.

At the heart of love and sex, the political stage, competitive sports, gang culture, and mental health issues, lies masculinity: Mask Off is an urgent call to unravel masculinity and redefine it.


Introduction: Mask off: Being a man
1. Real men: Myths of masculinity
2. Gang signs& prayer: Male violence, aggression and mental health
3. Whats love got to do with it?: Love, sex and consent
4. This is a mans world: The politics of masculinity, the masculinity of politics
5. If I were a boy: Gender equality and feminism
6. See you at the crossroads: Intersections of masculinity
7. It goes down in the DMs: Masculinity in the age of social media
8. Slamdunk the funk: Masculinity and sport
Conclusion: Man in the mirror: Transgression and transformation

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