Health Benefits of Pulses


Erschienen am 24.04.2019, Auflage: 1/2019
62,95 €
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Bibliografische Daten
ISBN/EAN: 9783030127633
Sprache: Englisch
Umfang: 0 S., 3.00 MB
Format: PDF
DRM: Digitales Wasserzeichen


This book provides a global overview of pulse intake and future trends from a variety of perspectives. Pulses, which include dried beans, peas and lentils, are second only to grains as a source of food for the worlds population. Contributors from around the globe explore a number of issues related to this food group, including their impact on global health and sustainability, the relationship between pulse intake and chronic disease, and their nutritional and gastrointestinal benefits. The primary purpose of the volume is to explore the nutritional and health benefits of pulses (starchy legumes) as a sustainable food source. 

Initial chapters focus on the role of pulses in complementary feeding and in the prevention of malnutrition in infants and children in the developing nations of Africa. Authors also consider the feasibility and sustainable properties of pulses as a staple food for these regions. Subsequent chapters focus on the association between pulse intake and chronic disease risk reduction. Contributors identify the unique contributions of pulses, versus legumes as a whole, to chronic disease risk and management. Additional chapters provide a comprehensive review of the nutrient contents of pulses, their bioavailability, and the nutritional impact of pulse consumption. The book also explores the phytochemicals contained in pulses from two perspectives, the traditional perspective of risk (e.g. anti-nutrients) and a nutraceutical perspective, focused on the novel benefits of pulse components (e.g. antioxidants). 

The editor has designed the book for students, faculty, and research scientists, as well as practicing dietitians. Members of the pulse industry, grower associations, and government agencies also will find the information relevant to their work, as will those in the private sector employed by food companies with an interest in pulse ingredients.


Dr. Wendy Dahl is an associate professor and extension specialist with the University of Florida, Gainesville, Florida. Her masters research at the University of Saskatchewan, Saskatoon, Canada, focused on the effects of lentils on calcium balance. For her doctoral research, she studied the effect of ground hull fiber from the yellow field pea on gastrointestinal function in elderly residing in long term care. Over the years, she has been actively involved in product development and sensory evaluation of foods fortified with pea hull fiber. Her current research interests include exploring the effects of added pulse fiber on various health outcomes and gut microbiota in children, older adults, and those with chronic disease. Through her extension efforts, she has sought to educate the general public and health professionals on the health benefits of dietary fiber, pulses in particular. Dr. Dahl is a registered dietitian and Fellow of Dietitians of Canada. 


1. Pulses, Global Health, and Sustainability: Future Trends.- 2. Pulse Consumption: A Global Perspective.- 3. Where do pulses fit in dietary guidance documents?.- 4. Pulses and Mineral Bioavailability in Low Income Countries.- 5. Pulses and Prevention and Management of Chronic Disease.- 6. Pulses and Chronic Kidney Disease: Potential Health Benefits from a Once Forbidden Food.- 7. Whole Pulses and Pulse Fiber: Modulating Gastrointestinal Function and the Microbiome.- 8. Potential Health Promoting Properties of Isoflavones, Saponins, Proanthocyanidins, and Other Phytonutrients in Pulses.- 9. Pulse Processing and Utilization of Pulse Ingredients in Foods.

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